Focusing On Your Sales Process


Improved Workflow

Phishing Detect

Great Customer Service

Smart Scan

Finding Your Success

What Do our customers say about us?

Why we do what we do

Sales professionals are the key point of contact between a business and its customers. Their responsibility is to ensure current customers have the right products and services, identify new markets and generate new customer leads to present and introduce their company to.

Sales professionals are in many ways the face of the company, as they interact answering phones to monitoring the competition and the marketplace, all while managing and maintaining good customer relationships with existing, new and potential sales opportunities.

Our aim is to provide sales professionals with a means of measurement to potentially highlight areas of development as they strive towards mastering their profession.

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Safe and reliable

What is our process?

How we achieve, this is by working with the business leaders to better understand their strategy, understanding the processes needed to enable the achievement of the strategy within the predetermined timescales. The focus shift is then on the sales process where we work with sales leadership to gain an understanding of the sales team. We invite all sales people to complete an online assessments which is aimed at sales mastery - we believe there is always room for improvement. To maintain objectivity all will be taken through an online assessment with each person receiving a one to one feedback session so they better understand their strengths and potential trigger or deraillers as they start their journey towards sales mastery by completing their personal development plan.

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Take a look inside

Our Values

At Investors in Sales we believe in living by our values every day. The added benefit is it helps guide our decisions and acts as our moral compass as we formulate our long-term business strategies:

  • We believe in leaving a positive legacy for the world as we help transform one person at a time through what we do each day.
  • Our passion to change the world one person at a time is what drives us. Some of the benefits of working with individuals is helping them better understand their triggers, so they are able to help themselves move away from reacting in situations towards now responding and thus gaining control.
  • Making a Difference. This is achieved by the method of the delivery, holding people to account, the development of people's mindsets which helps increase their self worth and increase their level of their engagement. Our focus is to positively impact the attendees that we serve, and indirectly the customers that they serve, creating a win- win for all parties.

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